Din pasiunea pentru marca JEEP®, a spiritului JEEP®, din pasiune pentru Off-Road si din necesitatea prepararii masinilor dupa dorinta fiecaruia, am decis crearea acesui CLUB care sa vina in ajutorul celor pasionati.

From passion for JEEP®, for Jeep® spirit, from passion for Off-Road and from the need to prepare the cars as everyone desires, we have decided to create this CLUB to come to the assistance of the Jeep® Enthusiasts all around Romania. 

Scopul Asociatiei JEEP CLUB ROMANIA este de a promova cultura si traditia marcii JEEP® in Romania, de a sprijini proprietarii de autovehicule marca JEEP® pe toate liniile ce au legatura cu autovehiculele fabricate sub aceasta marca, de a organiza evenimente nationale si internationale special destinate proprietarilor de autovehicule marca JEEP®, precum si fanilor acestei marci chiar daca nu sunt inca proprietari.

The purpose of JEEP CLUB ROMANIA Association is to promote the culture and tradition of JEEP® in Romania, to support the JEEP® owners with everything we can in terms of cars manufactured under this world known brand, to organize national and international events specially designed for JEEP® car owners, as well as for Jeep® fans, even if they are not owners yet. 

JEEP® Forum: Forumul este inima Jeep Club Romania. Aici schimbam pareri si sfaturi, ne stabilim intalnirile si proiectele. Vino sa ne cunosti ! Citeste paginile forumului si fa-ti cont pentru a putea posta.

JEEP® Forum: The forum is the heart of Jeep Club Romania community. Here we exchange opinions, advices and feedbacks, we set our meetings and upcoming projects. Jeepers all around Romania Come and Join Us!
Read our forum pages and make an account to be able to post, search and benefit of our experienced Jeep® enthusiasts. 

Pentru detalii privind Asociatia JEEP Club Romania/For details regarding our  JEEP Club Romania Association please contact us: 


Ph: 004-0722-306.000

Fax: 004-021-231.33.50

Partener Media/Media Partner
Jeep® is registred trademark of Chrysler LLC.